Tuesday, May 31, 2011

a "you-er" you

It's crazy how some people can really make you think differently and see the world in a new light...
It's so refreshing :)

We are all so unique in a way. We don't want the same things, we don't perceive life the same way, different things make us happy and sad...

What's even greater is that, surrounding yourself with so many different people everyday, not only enables you to see new things, but also let's you learn so much about yourself. You can find out some things that are hidden inside of you, that you had no idea were there, just because someone pushed you or triggered something in you to let it out. You can realize that you are much more than what you originally thought you were.

I am not talking about the people you try to impress or the people who make you change who you really are just because they want to. No, those really make you lose yourself...
I'm talking about people who you come into your life, or even people you've had just one conversation with. They introduce you to new thoughts, new ideas and in the end, introduce you to a you-er you!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Finals start next week...(I know many of you are on the same boat as me!)

I'm quietly freaking out. Not so much because I can't do it, more because I don't want to study all this stuff and I don't want to get that terrible feeling in my stomach right before the test begins.
...but I know I'll be so happy when all of this is over! Woo! And it is very motivating.

I've got sunshine and a little breeze.
I've got my Starbucks latte ;)
I've got a little voice in my head telling me this is a piece of cake!

"Nothing will work unless you do" !!!  - Maya Angelou 

Let's do this! (but let's not forget to take a break and enjoy this lovely day)


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011


"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts" - Eleanor Roosevelt 

We're almost settled in. There are still so many things to take care of. My body is so sore, I can barely move, but I have a big smile on my face, because I'm really happy.

Everything went smoothly.
I'm so grateful for all the lovely people who offered and came to help. It means a lot to me.
And the apartment is filled with sunshine which is the most amazing mood lifter!

On to step 2: finals! Bring it!


Thursday, May 26, 2011


Pages of my life are turning this month, as if there was a big gust of wind!
-- Packing, moving, finals, graduation, financial independence, first real job --
It feels good, it feels exciting, yet it also feels scary and bittersweet.
Right now I'm in the actual process of change. I have these constant butterflies in my stomach because there are so many things to take care of, so many things to think about.....I'm in an overactive state! I'm like a little bee!
Being the anxious person that I am, I cannot bear the idea of missing something, forgetting something, and not doing my best. I want things to go so perfectly well....

So, I'll try and take things step-by-step; breathe and focus on the exciting part of it all!

I guess I'm trying to protect myself from the little sadness of change by wanting everything to go smoothly. However, I realize that I'm putting way too much pressure on myself instead.
Yes, i'm sad to leave my first apartment, sad to be done with school, scared to be an adult.

But let's rejoice!

How freaking amazing is it???

Wish me luck today, the moving part begins...


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Morning boost!

"Don't join an easy crowd. Go where the challenge is great and the emotions are high. Go where the expectations are so strong that they provoke you, push you, and urgently insist that you not remain in one place. That way, you will grow and change." - Jim Rohn

Be awesome today :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What makes us happy...


But what makes me happy?
Often times, we'll be taking a random survey, be asked this cliche question....
I don't know about you, but my mind goes blank. I have no idea what to say....I start thinking about moments where I vividly remember being very happy: when I fell in love, when I got into the university of my choice, when I got my first job, when I bought the 'dream' shoes...or random little moments like birthdays, Christmas, summer vacation...

Then I start thinking about what I could do to be happier. Graduate with honors? Do a Masters? Lose weight? Get married? Have children? Have a great job? Make more money? I'm sure all these things will make me very happy and will feel fulfilling, but apparently, they are not the real source of happiness....
Relationships with others are. Friends are.

  • "Relationships with other people are what make us the happiest. Our connection to others is the foundation of humanity."says Nansook Park, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Rhode Island. Prevention

We are indeed social animals. We seem to be very sad when isolated from others, from those we love. 

So mingle people! Get out there, meet others, find out about their lives, and be even happier than you already are :)

"I've learned that people will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel" 
- Maya Angelou


So the other day I got to thinking about my future.
I'm not going to lie, it's been an obsession of mine lately....
I am a few days away from graduating from a great university, with a political science/international relations degree. There's a lot of things I can do with that, yet my fear is that I won't actually enjoy any job I get in this field, or that I will never be good enough, thus frustrated.
My mind wanders off and I end up thinking that the worse thing that could happen would be to live a life without meaning or passion....
I'm afraid to fail.

I swear I have been making myself sick over this issue for quite a while!

I have high expectations for myself. I want to do something in life that has a meaning, a great impact. I want to work and meet people who have done amazing things. 
Right now, I'm in a position where I find myself being in the unknown and being anxious about what the future is going to bring me....

But I've now realized that I cannot control my future. I cannot mold it into what I want it to be. I am not writing a movie script. This is my life.
However, what I can do is work as hard as I can to get as close as I can to my dreams.
Even though these dreams are still blurry right now, even though I don't know what I want exactly, I will try as many things as possible and learn more and more about myself in the process.

There is no such thing as the past, no such thing as the future. There is just right now and what I do with it. 

I am not stuck with a political science degree. I am young, and I can do whatever I want....


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dreaming of waking up to this everyday....

What do you think??

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

so cute!

Why is this so amazingly cute and eye watering??



 “There is no shame in happiness” — Albert Camus

It’s a funny quote, I think. When reading it, I wondered, why in the world would I be ashamed to be happy…I love being happy, let it come!
Well, thinking about it, happiness is a very strong emotion, it is the ultimate goal in life, and when we get a taste of it, for example, when we get into our school of choice, when we find a job, when we fall in love, or simply when we are having a good time with our loved ones, we often think it won’t last. 
There is a little alarm in my head that goes on saying “watch out, if you become too happy right now, when the excitement of the moment slowly fades, you will be very sad and nostalgic”. I often experience this, and consequently, I prevent myself from enjoying this moment of happiness to the fullest…I feel like this is too good to be true, something bad will happen and I should be ready for it.

I'm now going to think about it this way: this happiness, these bubbles of joy come and go, and there is no shame in enjoying them fully. I shouldn’t feel guilty. I most probably deserve it and should enjoy every moment now, or regret it later.

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