Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekend in pictures

Dear Weekend:

I love you. See you soon!

Warmest regards,

Had breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien on a beautiful Saturday morning (my favorite part of the week)

Met this adorable little bulldog, all shy but friendly :)

Went to Santa Barbara for my aunt's birthday. We had brunch at a Bed& Breakfast owned by a French lady who certainly knows how to cook and decorate. It was soooo nice.

The reason why I am going to eat vegetables all week....

View from the pier at Goleta Beach

Tonight's view from my balcony...

Now time for Halloween!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A bit of an addiction

I mentioned this girl on here before. Here's a little video of her.

I love her voice, her style and the cute melodies she composes.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Let's keep in mind...

"It's not how much we have, but how we enjoy that makes happiness" Charles Sprugeon


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Favorite Things

Ah, les p'tits plaisirs, as we say in French. Simple pleasures.

Yes, I've been indulging lately, and it feels good! Now and then, we need to stop restraining ourselves, relax and enjoy life! 

1. I bought the new iPhone 4S which I absolutely adore. Materialistic pleasures = short-term gratitude, I know, but hey! why not?? Money earned need to be spent!

2. Instead of pressuring myself into reading complicated novels about war, philosophy, or politically related topics, I started reading The Hunger Games (young adult section of the bookstore - no shame!), and basically, it's the type of book you can't put down :) 

3. Food. I'm not talking about pigging out and eating KFC fried chicken, I'm talking about homemade, delicious comfort food. Turns out, I'm a stress-baker, and in the past few weeks, I made 2 yogurt cakes, chocolate-raspberry lava cakes, muffins, pumpkin pie, a flour-less chocolate cake and cookies. Talk about enjoying life and relieving stress! (i had to make a few trips to the gym to burn this off...). 
 (Even better, is when sweet treats are delivered to you by even sweeter people)

"Simple pleasures are life's treasures"

Indulge, people! Life is short and sweet.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Can you bring me Sunshine?

It's a Gloomy day here in LA...
Hmm, those gloomy days come at the right time sometimes, don't you think? (as long as they don't last too long!!)
They're so bittersweet, the good kind.

For me they rime with slow music, comfort food, books or movies...
They also rime with day dreaming....


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just because...

"Une femme sans amour, c'est comme une fleur sans soleil, ça dépérit"

I adore this piece of dreamy...

Hope you've all seen the movie!

Stay Hungry, stay Foolish

I have been reading so many quotes from Steve Jobs after learning of his passing last week...
They are really inspiring, and he will remain one of the most inspiring people of our generation because he seemed to always strive for greatness, and he definitely made us, consumers, beg for more!

RIP Steve (i love my iPad, and i'm definitely getting the new iPhone, just so you know :P)

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